As promised... a house tour

As promised... a house tour

Guys, This season broke me.

… ugh…

as I type this I am standing in a house that is on the market. I don’t even know how I feel about it. I have given this house every inch of my sweat and tears and I have fallen in and out of love with it more times than my elementary boyfriend (yes I had one of those! His name was Kevin). I do know that I worked my tail off while super pregnant and now we might make some money off of her.

Please enjoy the photos that I, yet again, screen shot from (and a few of my own).

This house wasn’t perfect and that was perfect, mostly. My last home was clean and crisp and new. I was able to fill her with furniture that was the same and we were best of friends right away. In this house every room was painted a gray blue color I hated that aloud me to touch every room. I recall saying at closing that I was going to paint evert room and my pregnant self did just that. My family kept saying “Chelsea, you are doing too much” I would say back “no, I’m fine.” Painting all these rooms took my mind off the fact that I has no friends, needed to find pre-schools, a church, the grocery store, and raise 3.5 kids. I leaned into painting each room like I was paid to do it.

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Guys, I was not fine! I was worn out, I was scared, I was struggling with leaving home, that making this place a home was the only thing I could focus on. Y’all I had no idea how hard moving was going to be. We ended up buying a house after months of looking and as we look back some of that time is a blur. No joke some of it I can’t remember. I am so glad it is over!

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“Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.” —Billy Baldwin

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The bed rooms all start with the same color of white, Marshmallow. I then chose little ways to spice up each room with a pop of something. Lincoln and Shepherds are my favorite rooms in the house! They are smaller rooms so they are cozy and warm.

Seeing the house now I smile and I’m also sad for the girl who couldn’t stop, the girl who found her worth in if I pushed hard enough that day, the girl who was hiding from what was actually in front of her.

As we look ahead at what is next I am hopeful and excited! Believe you me I will slow down! I decorated out of necessity not out of joy. It wasn’t fun at all! Now that it’s done I have joy that it’s happy but I believe decorating a house should be fun. My next house will be bright and colorful but it will be done with a happy heart not a full baby belly women with the craziest bout of nesting. I learned a lot about myself and I am grateful to have had the season now but I am so so glad it’s over!!!!