Chelsea AllisComment

When there is too much new.

Chelsea AllisComment
When there is too much new.

Oh my sweet sweet Lord. If you follow this you now know I’m am going to be in and out, I’m not going to be share on a schedule. (It’s why I could never actually be a blogger) But today as I got choked up in the shower I though… “Lady write it down” So I’m back for today.

All above images are screen shots from the listing on :) I am terrible at before photos. After photos to come.

Life on social is so beautiful, even mine. I mean look at it, every post I am showered, have full make up on, my kids are fully clothed (Most of the time) and there is always joy happening. Y’all I still have that! and life right now is MAJOR hard.

My husband took a promotion 9 hours away… Yep Team Allis has moved to the Philadelphia PA area. We sold our stunning home and uprooted from amazing… everything to fight for a better job for my man. 100% the right thing to do and 100% I am hanging in there but I’ve hit a few cracks, bumps, and sobs along the way.

It took us WAY TOO LONG to find our house. If you know anything about me you know a home is where I do my work. I decorate for joy. I am a stay at home mom so I’m there a ton! We had amazing family come around us and give us their homes- We have lived with my Sister and her family, my Aunt and Uncle, and now my parents (then back to my Aunts and Uncles). We also did 2 weeks at a cute farm, a week vacation in Lewes DE, and a night at a much needed hotel with a pool. Guys the adventure had some really really sweet parts and… I AM SO GLAD TO BE DONE!

We bought a house… She isn’t perfect but I worked my prego fanny off to make her ours and I am becoming proud of a house that used to make me crazy! It’s amazing what a little paint and wallpaper can do! Here’s what I didn’t do right. I didn’t enjoy any of it!! I look back on the season as one of the hardest I have ever gone through. I painted EVERY room in the house because it had to be done! Not out of decorating but out of obligation.

Obligation, yep! To who? Well sadly to me! I have seen families on instagram that are called adventure families. They travel all the time and have a blast. Guys the difference between them and me… They chose to find joy in the moment! UGH I hate that I didn’t. Adventure is hard it isn’t glamorous but man oh man it will grow you and if you let it, it can be fun! I want to learn from my past year. I never want to choose to pout like I did again. Not to say that I will never have a bad season again but I want to commit to choosing the joy more than the pout! Why pout when you can have fun :).